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Version: Beta 🚧

Migrate to features parameter

features is a new parameter Tecton introduces to consolidate all types of features into a single parameter. It makes your feature view definition more readable, easier to iterate and simplify the feature view definition. This document outlines the steps required to migrate existing feature views to utilize the new features parameter.

General Guidance​

  1. The features parameter will become the mandatory way to define features in future release, so it is strongly recommended to migrate to it now.
  2. Incremental migration is supported. You can migrate the entire repository at once or object by object.
  3. This migration is not tied to the SDK upgrade. You can migrate after upgrading the SDK.
  4. Avoid making other changes while migrating to use the features parameter to prevent encountering errors.

SDK Reference​

Please check Attribute and Aggregate for SDK reference.

1. Migrate Entity​

Previously, entities only contained the join key names. To use the new features parameter, the join key needs to be typed using the Field class.



user_entity = Entity(name="user", join_keys=["user_id"])


user_entity = Entity(name="user", join_keys=[Field("user_id", String)])

2. Migrate Batch and Stream Feature View with Aggregation​

2.1 Specify Timestamp​

Ensure that the timestamp_field is specified in the feature view.

2.2 Remove Existing Schema​

If your existing feature view uses the schema parameter, remove it first. If not, skip this step.

2.3 Replace aggregations with features​

Replace aggregations argument with the features parameter and supply a list of Aggregate objects.

Note: Aggregate includes all parameters that Aggregation has, with an additional parameter called column_dtype to specify the type of the column that’s being aggregated.



# ...
Aggregation(column="value", function="count", time_window=TimeWindow(window_size=timedelta(days=7))),
Field("user_id", String),
Field("value", Int64),
Field("timestamp", Timestamp),
def feature_view(input):
return f"""
SELECT user_id, value, timestamp FROM {input}


# ...
column="value", column_dtype=Int64, function="count", time_window=TimeWindow(window_size=timedelta(days=7))
def feature_view(input):
return f"""
SELECT user_id, value, timestamp FROM {input}

3. Migrate Batch and Stream Feature View without Aggregation​

3.1 Specify Timestamp​

Ensure that the timestamp_field is specified in the feature view..

3.2 Remove Existing Schema​

If your existing feature view uses the schema parameter, remove it first. If your existing feature view doesn't have schema, skip this step.

3.3 Add features​

Add the features parameter and supply a list of Attribute objects.



# ...
Field("user_id", String),
Field("value", Int64),
Field("timestamp", Timestamp),
def feature_view(input):
return f"""
SELECT user_id, value, timestamp FROM {input}


# ...
Attribute(column="value", column_dtype=Int64),
def feature_view(input):
return f"""
SELECT user_id, value, timestamp FROM {input}

Note: Attribute includes column and column_dtype, which can be translated similarly from Field in the schema if your feature view used it.

4. Migrate Realtime Feature View​

4.1 Remove Existing Schema​

Remove the schema parameter from the realtime_feature_view

4.2 Add features​

Add the features parameter with a list of Attribute objects. Attribute includes column and column_dtype, which can be translated similarly from Field in the schema.



# ...
Field("feature1", String),
Field("feature2", Int64),
def feature_view(input):
return input


# ...
Attribute(column="feature1", column_dtype=String),
Attribute(column="feature2", column_dtype=Int64),
def feature_view(input):
return input

4. Migrate Feature Table​

4.1 Specify Timestamp​

Ensure that the timestamp_field is specified in the feature view..

4.2 Remove Existing Schema​

Remove the schema parameter from the FeatureTable

4.3 Add features​

Add the features parameter with a list of Attribute objects. Attribute includes column and column_dtype, which can be translated similarly from Field in the schema.



ft = FeatureTable(
# ...
Field("user_id", String),
Field("feature1", Int64),
Field("feature2", Int64),
Field("timestamp", Timestamp),

def feature_view(input):
return input


# ...
Attribute(column="feature1", column_dtype=Int64),
Attribute(column="feature2", column_dtype=Int64),
def feature_view(input):
return input

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